Back preparation
- Removed sides from mould (had to use big chisel to get sides out of mould)
- Put blocks and dowels into holes in mould to raise the back sides above top of mould
- Use large chisel to take off material to top and bottom from waist, keeping the height at the waist
- Use block plane to taper down till sanding dish fits on with a rock at the hips
- Plane hips till block nearly flush
- Sand in clockwise direction until even layer of dust is produced round the circumference of the sides
- Fit the kerfing dry and cut to size – slide into bends on sides to avoid breaking the kerfing
- Glue and hold down with pegs (with rubber bands fitted for extra pressure)
- Planed neck and head together to get flush fit
- Glued neck and head together with blocks either side and 2 “G” clamps